Refit - Fabrication

Rudder Repair

Sea Love Boat Works, Ponce Inlet, FL

There are several lessons to be learned from this part of our Journey.

  1. Sonar is your friend – we didn’t have it installed yet

  2. Take into account the swell when watching depth – a foot up and down is 2 feet off the charted depth

  3. Go with your gut – we should have just had a new rudder made – it would have been cheaper and quicker

Sea Love Boatworks decided to just rebuild the bottom of the rudder once we had the boat out of the water. I expected them to cut the rudder off square and carve a piece of foam core to shape and cover it with fiberglass. They chose to use heavily thickened epoxy filler and try to cover it with 7 or 8 applications, to fill in the bottom of the rudder. Then the plan was to sand it back some more and reskin the bottom of the rudder. Well as they sanded back further, we found stress cracks, that led to more sanding and more sanding and finally a complete new skin.

While I am fairly happy with the results (they could have faired it out cleaner) we are getting good performance out of it.

My issue is the time and cost associated with the repair because they tried to do it their way vs what I suggested. This delayed our departure to the Bahamas by most of a month unfortunately.

Rudder with repair visible at the bottom

The sugar scoop has returned almost a knot of speed back to the boat

Sugar Scoop

Fairhaven Shipyard – Fairhaven, MA

When the swim platform was added to the stern, we didn’t realize how much drag it added. Once we were sailing and looked back at it, we realized it acted as a drag brake on the back when we were heeled over. The idea of the Sugar Scoop, extending the lines of the hull around the swim platform, was born.

Lee called around to various shipyards prior to us heading north until he decided we would get the work done in Fairhaven, MA, at the Fairhaven Shipyard. They were one of the few shipyards that could handle a boat our size and all the work we wanted to get done over the summer. And their prices were reasonable.

Lee discussed the work to be done with the guys doing the work, and they went to work. As part of this work, they moved the hinge point on the swim platform to coincide with where the sugar scoop would intersect the platform. This shortens the height of the part that swings up.

The sugar scoop has returned almost a knot of speed back to the boat