Welcome to the tale of refitting a 1990 Hylas 51. The boat we bought has not had much in the way of updates in the past 15 years other than a solar arch. So going into the planning phase, we know that the Rigging & sails are at least 15 years old. The GenSet is pretty new with only 50 hours on it. The Main Engine is original and its total run time is unknown due to Hobbs meter failures. We will post the results of the engine survey on this page. The refrigeration is supposed to work. We know the electrical system is older and has not been updated to Lithium. We also know the electronics are quite old. For this time around, we will document by system type instead of by year especially as we plan to do a significant amount of work up front to bring the boat up to what we need to start cruising.
So the highlights of our plan at this point (Feb 16th) is:
Replace the house batteries with Lithium - 24VDC
Add Solar
Make compatible with 24VDC
Sailing & Navigation - Modernize with items in storage
Communications - Update add to bring up to previous boat's capability
Master Alarm Panel - We were in the process of installing one - need to respec and have a new one made
Entertainment - Update what's on the boat to be in line with what we had on the previous boat
Water maker - recommission existing if practical
Inspect all tanks (clean/ treat as necessary)
Inspect all hoses and fittings (repair/ replace as necessary)
Refrigeration - replace non working units with Keel Coolers
Cooking Appliances - Retire propane and existing appliances - new electric cooking
Solar arch - new and greatly expanded
Water Access - TBD - likely sufficient for now
Dinghy Davits - built into aft tower
Interior - minor repairs as necessary
Boat - new dinghy - likely 11'
Johnson 15hp - get it serviced - decide if it is acceptable
Ground Tackle
Retire existing ground tackle
Bow Rollers - TBD
Scuba Compressor - TBD - buy new Electric?
Standing Rigging - over 15 yrs old - Replace the existing rigging will be replaced with properly spec'd stainless.
Running Rigging - Existing running rigging is shot and will need to be replaced - will need work to convert to jiffy reefing.
Sails - all over 15yrs old - replace, refit Code Zero and Asymmetric from storage, TBD on Genny - local sail loft or performance sails or potomac sail makers?
Roller Furler(s) - use best 2 of 3 available - will need foils for storage hardware
Deck Hardware - too many changes to list here, but needs to be updated to support new running rigging requirements
Significant osmosis issues - strip and dry the hull
Copper Coat - www.coppercoatusa.com
Thru Holes - replace all with new composite
Running Gear - Existing shaft is compromised due to galvanic corrosion, The existing prop may or may not be compromised due to debronzification
New Decals - www.islandlettering.com
Engines - Chris at Gulfsolutions.org
Main Engine Maintenance Issues
Main Engine additional instrumentation
GenSet additional instrumentation