DC Power System

The Refit plan is as follows:

  • Lithium - www.solidstatemarine.com - 24 VDC, 1000ah total capacity

  • Solar Power - TBD - aiming for a combination of Bifacial PERC and CIGS panels for 3-4KW. www.bougerv.com

  • Lights -

    • Interior - TBD

    • Cockpit - New with new cockpit enclosure

    • Mast - Replace when we do the rigging

    • Navigation - likely replace w LED

First we need to design the system and acquire the parts.

The DC Power system is the heart of the boat.

We store power using Solid State Lithium batteries setup in a 24VDC. We want to have sufficient storage to operate everything for 5 days without significant solar input and without resorting to using the GenSet. For now we are looking for a combination of batteries to get us to 1000AH at 24VDC.

We can generate DC Power via Solar Panels (Direct DC) and via converted AC power through a Inverter/Charger.

DC power consumers on the boat:

  • Starter Batteries for the Main Engine and GenSet

  • Supplement for the Windlass

  • Sailing and Navigation Electronics

  • IT Infrastructure (DC to DC step down transformers) to include USB chargers

  • Lighting (interior, exterior, navigation)

  • Galley Refrigeration

  • Fresh and Saltwater Pumps

  • Electric Winches (via a 48VDC converter)