Main Sail
New Fully Battened
3 Reef Points
African Swallow Artwork
Genny/ Yankee?
Different advice
Not used with Staysail
Larger sail with higher loads
Traditional headsail for a Cutter
Smaller used in conjunction with the Staysail, so have 2 sets of headsail sheets to manage
Less sail area combined than the Yankee so less powerful
Code Zero likely becomes more important
On Roller Furler
European Swallow Artwork
Stay Sail
On Roller Furler
No artwork
Used either with a Yankee or stand alone in higher winds after the headsail is furled due to wind loading
Code Zero
Have the old one in storage - likely needs work (replace or resecure torsion strap) to be viable, continuous roller furler issues?
New sail is expensive
Would need mounting hardware and potentially a mast head extension
Would be permanently mounted with a UV Cover
Asymmetric Spinnaker/ Kite
Supposed to be one on the boat - current owner never used it
Have the one from storage - it's a little undersized based on the height of the mast
Storm Sail/ TriSail
TBD - Need to see if mast can support, expense vs usefulness
Anchor Sail
Have the old on in storage, does not require special rigging