Hull preparation

AntiFouling/ Hull

  • Significant osmosis issues at time of survey - strip and reassess - dry the hull

  • Repair hull as required

  • New Barrier coat from Coppercoat - CeramicCoat

  • Copper Coat -

  • UltraSonic AntiFouling System from HullShield

    • 4 Transducer system for hull

    • 1 Transducer system for each of the running gear and the rudder shaft

    • May need an overnight sleep cycle if too loud

Running Gear

  • Propeller Shaft - Existing shaft is compromised due to galvanic corrosion and must be replaced

  • Cutlass bearing appears to be fine

  • Existing shaft seal's clamps are severely corroded - will replace the seal with a dripless seal

  • Max Prop - 4 Blade - Although the existing prop was starting to have Galvanic Corrosion issues, the stainless steel shaft acted as it's anode and is serviceable

Other Below the water line

  • Thru Holes -

    • Many of the existing through hulls have compromised bonding wires

    • We did not do a complete inventory of fittings to determine function/ serviceability

    • We will replace all with new composite through hulls

    • Once all through hull's have been inventoried and surveyed, fill unneeded holes

      • e.g. the Forward Looking Sonar hole - the device is no longer working

  • Sacrificial Anodes - replace all of them - verify proper bonding

Other Above the waterline