Solar arch - www.atlantictowers.com
3 Sections
Dodger, Cockpit cover
Aft Cabin Roof
Dinghy Davits
All covered in Solar - See DC Electrical page for details
Will need canvas work for sides (screen, shade, rain)
Antenna and electronics mounts
Fishing rod storage and trolling mounts
Sole in Starboard Cockpit needs to be replaced
Water damage under salon cushions
Need to replace plywood covers in the Lazzerette
Scuba Compressor mount in Lazzerette
Plan to redo interior varnish as able
Deck/ Topside
Deck Box in front of the mast - remove seal up
Replace hatch on propane locker
Repair hatches for Lazzerette
Remove Propane Grill on Rail
Paint deck, replace non-skid, varnish wood
Remove wood in cockpit, repair and reseal
Repair Dock rash on Starboard side of hull
Plan for replacing crazed hatch lenses